Praktiske råd
Det er mange ting å tenke på når man skal etablere et Field to School prosjkt. Her er noen praktiske råd som kan være til god hjelp i oppstartsfasen.
Få kontakt med en gård
- Finn en lokal gård som dere kan besøke og som kan være til insprasjon for prosjekter på skolen
- Planlegg dagen godt med bonden for å sikre at dere får mest mulig ut av besøket, og la lærebøkene og andre skriftlige oppgaver bli igjen i klasserommet
- Tenk gjennom hvordan gårdsbesøket kan bli en arena for læring også når dere er tilbake på skolen
Bruk erfaringene for å lære om bedrifter
- Gårder og dyrkningsprosjekter er bedrifter, så disse kan være en fin måte å lære om bedrifter på.
- Dere kan vurdere å selge produkter fra skolen, eller kanskje skolen kan bli stedet for regelmessige bondens marked?
- Involvere elevene i markedsføringen, planlegging og salg som en lærerik erfaring.
Use your school grounds to develop a farm link project
- The school premises can provide an ideal opportunity for small-scale growing, even using window boxes and plant pots if space is limited.
- Think about areas in the school grounds that could be used for vegetables, or even chicken keeping and bee-keeping.
- Consider how to look after these enterprises during school holidays and weekends, and plan what to grow accordingly.
- Make the best of the skills and contacts of staff and parents at the school, you may find there are keen farmers and growers amongst them!
Link your projects to the school curriculum
- Field to school projects can be a valuable way to deliver the curriculum through real-world learning approaches, and this will help justify why you are running them in school.
- Consider what areas of the curriculum you could deliver through a farm link project, be creative and don’t just think about science. Maths, design and ICT can all be delivered through field to school activities.
- Develop a plan to link the field to school projects to the curriculum throughout the year, and with different age groups.
Make a link to the food in your school lunches
- ‘Walk the talk’ and consider the food that children eat in school – can this be from local producers?
- Think about a healthy tuckshop where pupils can produce healthy snacks, or offer a bowl of school-grown tomatoes on the dinner table.
- Talk to your caterer about serving more local, seasonal and organic produce.
Link your Field to School activities to cultural events
- Look at the calendar and think about food-related cultural activities that can be celebrated through a field to school activity.
- As well as traditional events such as harvest festivals and Christmas, consider other celebrations of migrant communities to bridge awareness and learning.
Investigate digital opportunities to create a Field to School link
- Perhaps maintain an ongoing link with the farm or growing site through email, social media or FaceTime/Skype to keep up to date with what is happening on the farm.
- Consider filming or recording elements of the visit that you can then use in class to create a news-story for other pupils and parents, or as a documentary record.
- Use the internet to discover more about farming and growing, and to promote your own school enterprise projects.
To learn more about the project, you can read the full guidelines document by clicking HERE